Friday, April 9, 2010

Freshers Party by Nov 09 Batch

We were informed one day back that we would be having a freshers party the next day. We were all excited and this reminded me of the engineering days. We finished our class on using Excel in the Business world and waited for a while before the freshers party started. There were a lot of performances. Some were songs, some of them skits and some dances. There was also a Mr and Mrs fresher competition which was conducted and lucky few guys got to participate because of the female to male ratio. I was not lucky this time. My roommate eventually won the Mr Fresher. There were a lot of pretty girls in our senior batch. The energy levels in these guys was amazing given that they are already going through a rigourous program. We had a good dinner and some went to a club.


  1. Glad to hear Tinku.
    Enjoy the fun and friendships and hard work will happen.....All the best and be happy!

  2. good u thought of writing your feelings enjoy every moment very few get this chance

  3. hey
    college is the best time. make as many friends as you can!
